Welcome to the papernet!

A webring a dedicated to connecting zinesters from all over the world. Physical and digital zines are welcome, as are distros, event organisers, and review blogs.


  1. You must have a website or blog
  2. The code must go on the front page of your site
  3. You must have zines you've made mentioned somewhere on your site

How to join

To join you must sign up at Webringo and apply to join the ring there. Once you've signed up, go here and click the button that says "Join." This will send me a message and I'll will add your site to the ring.

Once your site is accepted, log into your webring account, click "Manage My Sites" and click the chain link icon next to your site. From there you can choose the code you like, and install it on your website.

Simple, right? Idk I'm still getting the hang of this, but if you have any issues you can email me and I'll sort it out. Feel free to edit the css of the webring code, the default is kind of hideous.


Member List

Name URL Description
Psyche psyche64.neocities.org More art and less zines these days
bluef00t bluefoot.neocities.org bluef00t's zine page

Wanna tell the world about this awesome webring?

Have a button!